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Red Deer

First released in 1873, red deer are the second largest of the six species of deer we have in Australia. Whilst the stronghold for red deer in Australia is, the Brisbane and Mary valleys in southeast Queensland, wild herds are also found in the states of New South Wales and Victoria. Although good hunting for red stag is available in Australia, it is widely recognised, that by far the best opportunities for hunting this highly revered game animal is in New Zealand.

Red deer were first imported into New Zealand in 1851 and adapted so well, it wasn’t long before huge numbers of them roamed throughout most of the remote locations of the South Island, much of the North Island and the bush clad interior of Stewart Island. Some, truly magnificent heads have been taken from the wild over the years by both keen local and overseas hunters alike. New Zealand is the home of red deer hunting down-under with excellent trophies on offer. The sight of a mature red stag during the rut, with antlers laid back flat along its back, bellowing a defiant, blood-curdling roar is a truly exhilarating experience and one any hunter will long remember.

2021 by Karina Prichard

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