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My Snow Bridge Bull Thar

Special Times At A Special Place
Stewart Island, New Zealand.

Robyn Fishing On Stewart Island

My Pot Of Gold At The End Of The Rainbow
Doughboy block, Stewart Island.

Robyn Fishing The Gutter
‘Kilbride’ West Coast, Stewart Island.

Home Away From Home
Cavalier block, Stewart Island.

A Hard Case Crew
‘Kilbride’ West Coast, Stewart Island.

Exiting paradise.

317 Metre Shot....

... And The Result. Rock Solid.

14" Bull Thar
No wonder my mate Chris is chuffed. His first ever bull thar and measured over 14”.
When I first spotted this monster at a comfortable range of 137 metres, on the opposite lip of a slip we were peering out onto, I didn’t dare let on what he was about to shoot at. That would have been a sure reciepe for a case of buck fever.
When I first spotted this monster at a comfortable range of 137 metres, on the opposite lip of a slip we were peering out onto, I didn’t dare let on what he was about to shoot at. That would have been a sure reciepe for a case of buck fever.

It Doesn’t Always Work Out As Planned.
A busted right horn from a fall from the bluffs above.

Life's good!

A Hunters Paradise

Another Day At The Office
What a way to end the day after a hard days yakka, spraying blackberry on our property. This boar is right up there with the best I've ever shot.

Trophy Of A Lifetime
This stunning life-size mount of Mike Gibson's 2012 bull Thar, demonstrates perfectly the majestic qualities big mature bull Thar posses and why they are held in such high esteem by hunters far and wide.

Hard Earned Bull Thar
My mate 'Scrambles' knew what Thar hunting was all about when he bagged his first ever bull in this iced-in gully.

Picture Perfect Day
My mate Chris McCarthy casts his eyes over a snowed in Upper Landsborough, on a picture perfect day.

Hunting Outback Australia

Below Zero
You know when it's cold when your long-johns freeze.

Southern Alps
Even though I came up empty handed on a recent Chamois hunt, I was more than rewarded with this magnificent view of the valley Robyn and I backpacked into.

Thar Hunt 1991
The memory of hunting my first bull Thar amognst the frozen surrounds of the Frances River remains cherished.

Clarke's 2013 'Dream' Chamois
13 years old and sporting 10"+ horns, this buck is a real trophy of a lifetime.

Hard Yards Pay Dividends
Massive 30"x35" Fallow buck score 260+ Douglas

Bull Thar Hunting On Top Of The World
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