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Himalayan Thar

Himalyan Thar were first released into the Southern Alps of New Zealand near Mount Cook in 1904. For the hunting fraternity and more importantly the future preservation of Himalayan Thar itself, thankfully the liberation was a success, simply because thar in their native range along the Himalayas are listed as a threatened species.


Of all the animals I have ever hunted, thar are without doubt my most revered. The sight of a large shaggy maned bull standing proud atop a rocky outcrop high on a rugged mountainside is a sight that stirs my soul. Their ability to negotiate with consummate ease craggy bluffs that are almost sheer never ceases to amaze me. It makes one understand the fact why Himalayan Thar are regarded, the greatest climbers of all the mountain dwelling species.


To be high in the mountains amidst thar, for me is as good as it gets. In my opinion, anyone that takes a representative bull thar under fair chase conditions, from the daunting mountainous terrain, the thar call home is a real achievement and a trophy that equals any.

Image by veverkolog from Pixabay 

2021 by Karina Prichard

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